
作品類型涵括古典及現代音樂、即時電聲音樂及多媒體創作、 影像配樂及音樂劇作曲。作品編制包括鋼琴獨奏、聲樂、室內 樂及管弦樂作品。創作之作品關注台灣當代社會議題及歷史事件,以期用音樂及多媒體作為媒介和聽眾對話。

管弦樂作品《Staring Into The Light》描寫憂鬱症患者之艱難處境,入圍國家台灣交響樂團2023年管弦樂作曲比賽;參與配樂之實驗影像作品《兔子洞 Rabbit Hole》曾獲多項海外實驗影展獎項及入選;音樂劇作品《陳家聲二人演唱會》亦獲得2020年台北藝穗節 最佳喜劇/歌舞劇獎項。

近期演出經歷:以二二八事件為背景並由台語創作的作品《聽講… (Thiann-Kóng…) 》結合多媒體影像、電聲及人聲作品首演於新英格蘭音樂院多媒體音樂節;單簧管、小號及鋼琴三重奏作品《The Moment》於新英格蘭音樂院喬登廳首演。


獲教育部留學獎學金及New England Conservatory Deans Scholarship留學美國。畢業於美國新英格蘭音樂院(New England Conservatory) 作曲研究所、台灣師範大學音樂系理論作曲組,師事Dr. John Mallia、Dr. Michael Gandolf、金希文教授。


An-Ni Wei is a Taiwanese composer.

Her compositions encompass classical and contemporary music, including real-time electroacoustic music, film music, and musical theater.

An-Ni’s music reflects contemporary social issues and connects with her audience through the use of music and multimedia. Telling stories and creating pictures with music while the audiences listen is a very important aspect of An-Ni’s musical approach.

An-Ni holds a Master’s degree from the New England Conservatory of Music, and studied with Dr. John Mallia and Dr. Michael Gandolfi; During her undergraduate, she studied with Dr. Gordon Shi-Wen Chin in National Taiwan Normal University.

An-Ni was a finalist in the 2023 National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Composition Competition for her orchestral piece “Staring Into the Light”. Her participation as a film music composer in the experimental short film “Rabbit Hole” earned awards at international film festivals, and her musical “Garson Chen Mini Concert: Duet” won the comedy/musical category at the 2020 Taipei Fringe Festival.